This past weekend I got the greatest gift from my Grandma Wilson. She made me the most gorgeous tree skirt. She's so amazingly talented! Grandma has made me other things over the years, so I thought that I would take some pictures and share.
I'm so excited, I am going to have the prettiest Christmas tree this year. I asked her to make it white for me, and I love that she finished it off with sparkly yarn.
Quite a few years ago she made a bunch of these baby blankets and we got to pick what color we wanted. I love love love the teddy bear pattern that she used. I hate having it stored away, I can't wait to use it one day.
The blessing dress is amazing! I also hate keeping this one tucked away. I have to keep telling myself that one day I will get to use it.
Now I'm not sure if she did the cross stitching, I assume she did. But I know that she did the crochet edging which is beautiful. One day when I have a bigger house and a guest bedroom I want to decorate the room around these beautiful pillow cases and show them off.
This is only one Christmas project that she has done for me. I got this one a few year ago. (Can I have more of these?)
I wish my Christmas decorations were not buried in the closet or I would take pictures of the other ones.
I have the most beautiful Santa which I got years ago. I admit I didn't appreciate it as much when I got it, but now it's one of my favorite decorations that I have. Every year when I open the box I just smile. I feel so lucky to have such an amazing gift made by my amazing Grandmother.
Last year I also got some awesome snowflakes that she crocheted and starched. I have plans for those this it Christmas yet??...only 149 more days!!
I am so lucky to have such an amazing Grandma. Thanks for all that you do, and inspiring me with your creations.